When it comes to cloud technology adoption, regulated industries like financial services have a particularly complex landscapes to navigate.

Following on from a previous blog Shane O’Neill discusses why organisations take a “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” stance to their legacy apps.

Discover how Azure Virtual Desktop’s security features provide your remote workforce with a comprehensive defence against threats.

Applications can also be one of the single biggest challenges that face the infrastructure owners and create very big headaches when they fall in that feared category of legacy. Lets talk about this!!

Discover how Azure Virtual Desktop could benefit your business and empower your hybrid workforce.

Microsoft has announced it will no longer provide extended security updates for Professional and Enterprise editions of Windows 7 beginning Tuesday 10th January 2023.

A strong team is crucial to longevity and for Enterprise Solutions, at the core are two sisters who have embraced the rapidly-changing landscape

Whether you are staying on premises or moving to the public cloud, the right technology can help unlock and accelerate your move to a virtual workspace.

Legacy applications can be one of the single biggest dangers that face an organisations infrastructure owners.

Companies that run the Citrix Daas service with Microsoft Azure have seen improved desktop management and security. Cloud flexibility has helped reduce support calls, IT resource needs, and other costs while also increasing agility. End users, including remote and hybrid workers, benefit with reduced issues and interruptions.