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Embracing Nutanix: A Strategic Move Amidst the Broadcom-VMware Acquisition

June 26, 2024
Embracing Nutanix -Embracing Nutanix A Strategic Move Amidst the Broadcom-VMware Acquisition

With the growing need for organizations to have a flexible, stable and future proof infrastructure we took a brief look into the implications of the Broadcom-VMware acquisition, and why Nutanix stands as a beacon of innovation and efficiency in these changing times.
In the ever-evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, organizations are constantly seeking solutions that offer agility, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness. One such solution that has gained significant traction is Nutanix, a leader in the domain of enterprise cloud solutions and hyper-converged infrastructure.

Why Companies are Migrating to Nutanix

Nutanix delivers a hybrid and multicloud platform, Nutanix Clusters, which offers seamless private and public cloud operations. This platform accelerates businesses’ cloud journey by integrating their existing on-premises datacenters with multiple public clouds.

Here are some reasons why companies are choosing Nutanix:

  • Self-Service: Nutanix Clusters does not rely on a third party offering a hybrid cloud solution as a managed service. This self-service nature allows for just-in-time deployment, aligning well with most cloud consumption models.
  • License Portability: Nutanix Clusters provides Nutanix Software licensing flexibility across clouds. If you’re moving your workload to AWS, you can utilize your Nutanix Capacity Based Licenses (CBL) on AWS to support the same capacity you are licensed for on-prem.
  • Simplicity and Performance: Nutanix offers a single platform to run all your apps and data across multiple clouds while simplifying operations and reducing complexity. It delivers SAN-like performance that won’t degrade over time.

Some concerns for VMware users?

Following Broadcoms acquisition of VMware in November 2023, it has led to a lot so concern amongst VMware users for several reasons:

  • Price Hikes: Every person surveyed in a recent study expected VMware prices to rise under Broadcom. Some even anticipated price hikes of over 200%.
  • Disruption to IT Strategy: 95% of survey respondents viewed Broadcom buying VMware as disruptive to their IT strategy.
  • Changes to Licensing Models and Support: Concerns have bubbled up around possible price hikes, shifts in licensing models, and the future pace of innovation and support.

Why Nutanix is the Best Approach for Organizations

In light of the concerns surrounding the Broadcom-VMware situation, Nutanix emerges as an attractive alternative.

Here’s why:

  • Flexibility and Control: Nutanix offers complete flexibility and management control over both your on-prem and cloud infrastructure.
  • Ease of Use: Nutanix is known for its user-friendly interface and integrated virtualization capabilities.
  • Cost-Effective: Nutanix powers hybrid multicloud environments efficiently and cost-effectively.

Organizations need a standout, robust, flexible, and cost-effective solution. Amidst the uncertainties surrounding the Broadcom-VMware acquisition, Nutanix offers a beacon of stability, flexibility and innovation, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to future-proof their IT infrastructure.

Nutanix Hybrid Multicloud!

With Nutanix, you can migrate workloads to the cloud 60% faster than application refactoring. And by enabling ultimate portability for all workloads and data, you’ll be ensuring optimal placement of every workload today and in the future.

Nutanix license portability eliminates shelf ware and enables IT teams to move their Nutanix Cloud Platform licenses to new locations, between on-premises and the public cloud, based on where and when you want to run them.

Only Nutanix makes hybrid multicloud this simple and cost-effective. Automate workload deployment so applications, data, and services go anywhere you want—whether it’s datacentre to datacentre, between two different clouds, or between the datacentre and the public cloud and the edge.

If you have any questions, please contact one of our Cloud experts to assist you understanding if a hybrid multi-cloud approach is right for your organisation, and if adopting a hybrid cloud infrastructure on a platform like Nutanix is the right direction to go in.

Contact us on – asktheexpert@enterprise-solutions.ie

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