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How Does Age Affect Personal & Social Reactions to COVID-19?

by Niamh O'Donovan
October 20, 2021

In this series we will be chatting to members of the Enterprise Solutions team from five different decades.

As Ireland opens up more on 22nd October, we reflect how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the lives of us all, including the Enterprise Solutions’ team. And as a result, personal, business and social behaviours may have been affected; we chat with 5 staff members about this. As our team has members in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s & 60s let’s see what someone from each decade has to say.  Of course, we know that this one person will not represent their age group, they are simply representing themselves!

While people of all ages were/are affected in some way by the pandemic, older and more vulnerable persons have been far more likely to suffer the most severe health consequences. Many other age groups’ behaviours were formulated with this in mind & how they have responded to COVID-19 may differ by age.

Each team member contributing to this series was asked the same questions to see their behavioural responses to COVID-19 compared by age. We are specifically interested in the working and technology consumption elements (we are an IT company after all) but not forgetting work-life balance, socialising, exercise & travel. Travel: as an Island nation the ‘cabin-fever’ associated with lockdown rules often related to not only Fanacht Abhaile, as RTE displayed on our TVs, but the Staycations we rarely considered in previous years.

So, let’s see how complaint people were to the COVID rules? What were the most difficult rules to comply with? Were there any positives changes to behaviour that respondents will endeavour to retain? What technology was embraced during lockdowns? What will people be glad to see the back of when Oct 22nd arrives? What is their opinion on business impact; both within Enterprise Solutions, nationally and internationally?

Up next week: our 20-something year old is in the spotlight.

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