Deploy the Windows Endpoint Agent and discover all the apps in use across your organization. The agent works in the background to report on desktop, web based and microappps.
How does Apps2Digital work?
Deploy the Windows Endpoint Agent and discover all the apps in use across your organization. The agent works in the background to report on desktop, web based and microappps.
Create an inventory and determine your priority applications. Monitor applications through an app dashboard and track RAM consumption and endpoint OS usage.
Automate app packaging with ANY platform and vastly improve your deployment efficiency.
With Pre-defined packages for commercial application, reusable app packaging or
easily create your own packaging formula
Take a look at how Apps2Digital is the smart, modern management method for all your apps - wherever they are!
Knowing what applications are in use across your entire organisation can inform your strategies for disaster recovery, desktop transformation, mergers and acquisitions and more.
Repeatable, automated testing and packaging for all applications. Deliver to any physical or cloud based desktop infrastructure from one place.
Understand how your organization uses SaaS and Microapps with automated and secure discovery, then configure and publish to Citrix Intelligent Workspace.
Simplify application migration to new digital workspace environments with appCURE.
appCURE captures application details from running applications to ensure all points that may impact your end-user’s applications are understood. appCURE then updates and delivers them as an MSIX package ready to use.
By capturing all application integration points in your current environment, appCURE provides the speed to optimize IT resources and plan for your migrations better and quicker than ever before thus enabling organizations to get to production faster.
Login VSI ensures application availability and performance, maximizing the end-user experience for
all digital workspaces. Login Enterprise is an automated testing platform that predicts performance,
ensures business continuity, and reduces risk. We test all environments, including VDI, such as Citrix
and VMware as well as WVD and Azure/Windows Virtual Desktop.
Login Enterprise includes:
Many Use Cases: